I've been promising to do this for some time now, and I finally just went out and did it. So my last AFPT results were:
Age: 25
Weight: 176
Pushups: 65 Score: 89
Situps: 72 Score: 89
2-mile run: 14:26 Score: 84
Total score: 262
Today's results:
Age: 30
Weight: 194
Pushups: 50 Score: 72
Situps: 54 Score: 70
2-mile run: 16:06 Score: 70
Total score: 212
So I'm 5 years older, nearly 20 lbs heavier and a minute and a half slower in my run time. Some of the results are to be expected. 212 is a respectable score, but Tough Mudders aren't aiming for respectable. They're aiming for superb. For a perfect score, I would need:
Pushups: 72
Situps: 82
2-mile run: 13:18
It's interesting that in the categories of pushups and situps, the standards increase as you get older until you hit 32. So apparently my age and weight should speed me up. So goal is above. Honestly, if I could get sub-14-minutes on my two miles and get into the 60s on pushups and situps, I think I'd be happy. I'm sure I can do better on the situps and pushups. But hitting that sub-14 minutes is going to be tough. Stay tuned, though because that's what's going to happen!
Oh, if you want to see the APFT standards for your age, check them out here: http://business.clemson.edu/Armyrotc/docs/apftScoreCard.pdf.
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