Monday, July 25, 2011


With all of the training, exercise, dieting, etc, sometimes we can lose sight of something that is just as important as all of the above: rest. I personally think rest is essential to a good exercise routine.  And apparently there are others who agree.  Check out this article at Runners World.

For my money, there are different versions of rest.  My rest days are Sundays, because if it's good enough for God, it's good enough for me.  But that doesn't mean I don't do anything.  I used to do P90X, and the "rest" day often involved yoga or stretching.  If you're training for a marathon, a short, easy jog is a good way to continue your fitness routine, but still offer your body the time to rest and recuperate.  Or you can just do what I did and brave the heat to do yard work.
Me smashing hornets with a 1x2.

Filling the hornet's nest with water. 

Or you can do nothing at all.

On my rest days, my plan is to drink lots of water, rest, and allow my body to rebuild from the week's training.  I feel like my joints really benefit from the rest periods as well.  After the trail run around Lake Habeeb, my knees needed a break.  So, judge for yourself what kind of rest your body needs most.  Or be a lunatic and run for 30 years in a row, every day of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Um, perhaps-and this is a BIG perhaps-you should include photos of what your "day of rest" actually involved: beating down several hornet's nests with a piece of wood and a hose. Now THAT'S tough mudder.
