Friday, July 22, 2011

Running in bath water

Today's high was 100, and as I'm writing this at midnight, it is 86 with 72% humidity, so it feels like 96.  So let's say for argument's sake that when I started running tonight at 9 p.m., it was hot.  Now, I've run a two-mile PT test in Kuwait at about 105 degrees in 13 minutes and 26 seconds, but it just didn't feel as hot as it was tonight.  It was a dry heat- you don't sweat.  I sweated tonight.
It was only my 3.64 miles circuit, but I had to stop a few times to just walk for a bit.  All told, I probably walked a quarter of a mile out of the whole run, but that's not something I normally do.  It was just really, really hot.  And the temperature isn't what really got me.  It was the humidity.  You know the indoor swimming pools that a lot of hotels have?  You walk from their nice, air conditioned lobby, with it's clean smell and quiet atmosphere, into the pool room: a sauna filled with the cacophonous sound of children playing and the overwhelming smell of  chlorine.  Well, exchange the chlorine for cigarette smoke, and the sound of children playing with couples fighting about who is going to watch the kids while one of them goes off to jail; and you have my run through Cumberland tonight. 

Honestly, with all the training I had in the military about heat injuries, I should have known better than to run on a night like tonight.  But I have worked out three days in a row, and I wanted to keep the momentum going.  So, I ran through the smoke and haze, and finished it all off with a few gallons worth of ice water, complements of my supportive wife.

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